
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Arrogant or Slothful, Republicans Abuse Connections

The conditions were clear enough to Virginia Beach Democrats. No yard signs inside the Red Wing city park and remove those outside after the celebration. Those conditions apparently did and do not apply to Republicans. The city has yet to take to task the McDonnell, Cuccinelli, or Iaquinto campaigns on their failure to follow those guidelines even a day after and turned a blind eye to the Stolle, Tata, and Villanueva campaigns during the Fil-Am Day festivities in the park on the 4th.

The campaign signs that remain for McDonnell and Iaquinto are the result of obviously deliberate oversight. Those campaigns had workers removing an abundance of 4 x 8 and yard signs that were affixed to and on city property yesterday. As for Cuccinelli, his paid campaign’s presence made an obligatory appearance early and departed quickly, so it has a different reason for failing to police up the signs. Apparently signs are the alternative when you have more signs than supporters.

Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms, stealth Republican, came by the event early and was either oblivious or chose to disregard the violations. State Senator Ken Stolle (R-8th) who is running for Virginia Beach Sheriff to uphold the law, yet is apparently above the law, was one of the most flagrant violators. If 4 x 8’s can win a campaign, he should rest easy; his lined the drive through the park entrance. And McDonnell, who arrived at the event late in the day, showed the kind of attention to upholding community standards demonstrated throughout his unfinished term as Attorney General. Maybe Cuccinelli has been studying at his knee.