National Republicans Continue Bailing Out “Broke McDonnell”
Excepting millions from the RNC and RGA, McDonnell would have half as much on hand as did Kilgore
When it comes to Bob McDonnell’s lackluster fundraising, the devil is in the details. The Republican National Committee and the Republican Governors Association have contributed more than 70 percent – or nearly $3.5 million – of the $4.9 million McDonnell yesterday reported in cash on hand. In the past two months, these national, out-of-state organizations contributed more than 60 percent – or $2.25 million – of the $3.7 million McDonnell raised.
Were it not for the many millions of dollars McDonnell has accepted from the RNC and the RGA, McDonnell would have only about $1.5 million on hand. At a similar point in 2005 – and before receiving cash infusions from either the RNC or RGA – Jerry Kilgore had $3.2 million on hand. Excluding national donations, McDonnell therefore has less than half as much on hand as did Kilgore. Despite lagging Kilgore, McDonnell is recklessly burning through campaign cash. In the past two months, McDonnell spent almost $2.3 million, or more than 60 percent of the money he raised.
“Were it not for the multimillion dollar bailout Bob McDonnell received from national Republicans, Bob McDonnell would be broke McDonnell,” said Common Sense Virginia Press Secretary Yoni Cohen. “The fiscally irresponsible Bob McDonnell is spending heavily to distract voters from his opposition to helping Virginians struggling in challenging times.”
“The contrast couldn’t be clearer,” Cohen continued. “Bob McDonnell is relying on out-of-state interests to pay for his empty campaign, but opposes having Virginia’s own tax dollars go to help the Commonwealth’s unemployed.”
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Without National GOP, Bob McDonnell Would Be "Broke McDonnell?"
From Common Sense Virginia: