
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Washington Times Slams McDonnell for Not Signing "No Tax" Pledge

This is hilarious, Bob McDonnell getting "slammed by a broadside from the right" for refusing to take a "no tax" pledge. Check out the Washington Times editorial for the hilarity, including a video of McDonnell "stammering” as he tries to explain that he has "no plans to raise taxes." Here's an excerpt from the Washington Times' slam of McDonnell:
...we still don't know what Mr. McDonnell plans to do on taxes. He told us he is considering, maybe, possibly proposing a temporary cut in the corporate tax rate along with other ideas. His tax-cut plan is "not ready for prime time," he admits.

Meanwhile, Mr. McDonnell is campaigning as a "jobs governor." Most of his published ideas on job creation amount to more spending on schools and infrastructure. Sounds like a boon to unions. Where are the private-sector jobs?
Of course, I think the Washington Times is bonkers and completely disagree with their supply-side/trickle-down/flat-earth economic philosophy. Having said that, I can't help but loving it as Bob McDonnell gets slammed from the right for (apparently) being open to raising taxes, even in the midst of a nasty recession that may not end any time soon. I'd also go a step further than the Times when they say that it's only Bob McDonnell's tax-cut plan that's "not ready for prime time." I'd say it's Bob McDonnell in general.

P.S. With Democrats almost 100% unified behind their nominee, Creigh Deeds, and with Bob McDonnell trailing in the polls, the last thing he can afford is a split in his Republican ranks. Unfortunately for McDonnell, that's exactly what appears to be happening.

UPDATE: Republican blogger Norm Leahy calls this an "unforced error" by McDonnell, adding that "the video accompanying the piece only makes matters worse." You can say that again, Norm! :)