
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Virginia Republicans: "Just Say Yes!"... to Sexuality?

Bob McDonnell has been busy traipsing around Virginia on his much-touted "Just Say Yes!" tour. How positive and uplifting from the party previously still very much known as the "Just Say No to Everything" party. Ha. But wait, it gets funnier. It turns out that using "teh Google" - which the Virginia GOP apparently doesn't know how to do - takes us to an interesting website:
Just Say Yes is about having a positive attitude towards sexuality -- gay, straight,bisexual or whatever. It's about saying "yes" to sex you do want, and "no" to sex you don't. It says there's nothing wrong with you if you decide to have sex, and nothing wrong with you if you decide not to.

You have the right to make your own choices, and to have people respect them.

Sex is enjoyable when everyone involved is into it, and when everyone has the information they need to take care of themselves and each other.
I couldn't agree more; whether you're gay, straight, or bisexual, the key is to be well informed about health and contraceptive issues, to have a partner who you like and trust, and to not pass moral judgments on people because of their sexuality. My only question is whether Bob McDonnell agrees with these sentiments. If so, then I'd say he's made a great deal of progress, and I'm glad to hear it. If not, then I guess what we have here is a classic example of "Republican messaging FAIL." Sort of like this. Hahahahaha.

h/t: The Shad Plank