
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

SurveyUSA: McAuliffe 35%, Deeds 29%, Moran 26%

Another day, yet another poll, this one showing Terry McAUliffe leading by 6 points, 35%-29% over Creigh Deeds, with Brian Moran trailing at 26% (the other 11% remain undecided). Too close for comfort, as far as I'm concerned, but I'd certainly rather be in Terry's position than in Brian's right now (ahead in the poll plus a far better GOTV operation plus advertising superiority leading up to June 9).

Regarding the race against Bob McDonnell, I believe that current polls are not the most helpful (given that McDonnell has a unified Republican Party while the Democrats are still fighting it out), but all three Democrats trail - Deeds by 1 point, McAuliffe by 7 points, Moran by 11 points - against Sean Hannity's pal. :) Obviously, after June 9, we've got our work cut out for us.