
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Support health care reform that gives America a choice"

If you support a public healthcare option as part of healthcare reform, please click here and let your Senators know. As the "Stand with Dr. Dean" petition points out, a public option is crucial if we're going to control healthcare costs, "keep private insurance honest," and "has the clout to establish rates with providers and big drug companies." Frankly, I can't see any reason why we wouldn't do this, unless we care more about protecting private insurance companies' profits than about insuring all Americans and protecting their health. Gee, tough choice!

By the way, the reason that Senators are being targeted for this campaign is that the Senate will be the biggest hurdle to passing real health care reform. Hopefully, if Senators get numerous emails from constiuents asking them to make their opinion on the public option clear, we'll get a straight response. For more on this campaign, see Chris Bowers' post on OpenLeft. Thanks.