
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sun Rises in Morning, John Boehner Makes Fool of Himself

After his embarrassing, pathetic rant/tirade Friday on the floor of the House of Representatives, Minority Leader John Boehner makes a fool of himself once again:
On Friday, the House passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act... After the House finally voted on and passed the legislation, the Hill asked Boehner to comment on what he had hoped to gain through his “filibuster-like” delay. “Hey, people deserve to know what’s in this pile of sh*t,” Boehner replied.
Gotta love that civil discourse and appropriate language by a leader of the "traditional values" party. Of course, this is the same clown who also said this:
George, the idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, you’ve got more carbon dioxide.
Of course, as anyone with half a brain knows, C02 isn't a "carcinogen" and nobody is claiming that it is. Also, cows emit METHANE not carbon dioxide, but why would Boehner bother to know any of that before spewing out a bunch of his own hot, non-carcinogenic, non-bovine C02 into the atmosphere? To put it another way,, we're not exactly talking about a rocket scientist here. Of course, we're not talking about rocket scientists with most Republican leaders these days, but at least Eric Cantor just spews meaningless drivel, not foul language, out of the same part of his anatomy Boehner refers to above.

P.S. You'd think that someone who represents "the rich farmland of Darke, Mercer, Miami and Preble counties" would know something about cows and cow flatulence, but apparently Boehner isn't even curious about a major business in his own district.