
Friday, June 26, 2009

So Much for Rob Wittman Being a "Moderate"

That's right, Rob Wittman now requires that applicants to his office pass a "conservative Republican" litmus test. Which is interesting, becaus when Wittman was running in the special election for Jo Ann Davis' seat back in December 2007, he claimed to be (and was described by just about everyone as) a "moderate" and even an "environmentalist." According to MSNBC's "First Read" back when Wittman was first running for Congress:
The open seat in Virginia became vacant when Rep. Jo Ann Davis (R) died in October after a long battle with breast cancer. Republican state legislator Rob Wittman is a moderate, favoring bringing the troops home but not immediately. He's also a strong environmentalist, having spent years as an environmental health specialist for local and state health agencies.
So, Wittman was a "moderate" 1 1/2 years ago when he was a candidate, but now that he's been in Congress for a little while, not so much apparently. According to Congress Votes, "Wittman has voted with a majority of his Republican colleagues 93.1% of the time during the current Congress." And the job ad above obviously speaks for itself. Meanwhile, Wittman's "environmentalist" credentials will be completely shot to hell if he votes "nay" - as expected - on today's historic House roll call on the Waxman/Markey climate change and clean energy bill. What are the chances that Wittman the "moderate"/"environmentalist" will buck his hardline, anti-environment party on this one? Probably about the same chances that Eric Cantor, Bob Goodlatte, or any of Wittman's right wingnut colleagues will do so. In other words, zero.