
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

President Obama and LCV Press for Passage of Historic "Cap and Trade" Legislation

With the House of Representatives nearing a historic vote on historic "cap-and-trade" legislation to slash greenhouse gas emissions and jumpstart an energy/"clean tech" revolution in this country, President Obama calls its passage "extraordinarily important." I couldn't agree more.

Meanwhile, the LCV says it will not endorse any member of Congress who votes no on this bill. I would hope that the entire environmental community - and anyone else who cares about creating "green jobs", enhancing our national security, and protecting our environment - would join LCV in this.
League of Conservation Voters to Deny Endorsement to Any Member of Congress Who Votes No On American Clean Energy and Security Act

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) believes that H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act, is the most important piece of environmental legislation to ever come before the House of Representatives. The historic bill has the potential to transform America by creating clean energy jobs, improving our national security, and protecting our planet from global warming pollution.

In light of the tremendous importance of this legislation, LCV has made the unprecedented decision that the organization will not endorse any member of the House of Representatives in the 2010 election cycle who votes against final passage of this bill. Every Member of Congress received a letter informing them of this policy and LCV’s strong support for H.R.2454 on Tuesday, June 23.
As this bill nears a vote, keep in mind the Congressional Budget Office study that demolishes Republican lies on "cap and trade." They can lie all they want, but the fact is that this legislation will be of huge benefit to our country and to the planet while actually saving people money on energy. Why would anyone in their right mind oppose this bill? Someone might want to ask Ken Cuccinelli what on earth he's thinking.