
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Photo: Bob McDonnell and Mark Sanford

We'll see how long it takes the McDonnell campaign to purge this video from its website.

P.S. I love how we've got Sanford introducing the two Republican gubernatorial nominees this year, Bob McDonnell in Virginia and Chris Christie in New Jersey, in one photo. LOL

UPDATE: Ryan Nobles reports:
While Sanford has not headlined a fundraiser specifically for McDonnell, the two were together at an event held in Northern Virginia on May 8th that led to a $750,000 windfall for the McDonnell campaign. The event was held by uber-fundraiser Fred Maleck for the Executive Roundtable of the RGA. Sanford was there and McDonnell was also a guest. McDonnell left the fundraiser with a $750,000 donation from the RGA. You can see the details of the donation here. The event got a little bit of press prior to the event because Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was expected to attend, but then backed out. Sanford, ironically replaced her.