
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Poll: Deeds 42%-McDonnell 38%

I just received a copy of new polling, by Anzalone Liszt Research for the Democratic Governor's Association, of the Virginia governor's race. The poll was conducted June 10-14, and surveyed 600 "likely 2009 Virginia general election voters." Here are the highlights.

1. Creigh Deeds holds a 4-point lead (42%-38%) over Bob McDonnell.
2. Deeds leads McDonnell 51%-29% in Southwest Virginia.
3. "In spite of a substantial investment in the Washington, D.C. media market, McDonnell’s popularity among white voters in suburban Northern Virginia is just 36% favorable / 30% unfavorable."
4. Deeds overall favorable/unfavorable rating is 48%/14% (+34 points), 10 points higher than McDonnell's 43%/19% (+24 points) rating.
5. Deeds' favorable/unfavorable rating among independent voters is 50%/9% (+41 point), compared to McDonnell's 35%/18% (+17 points).
6. "By a 2:1 margin, Virginia voters think the state is moving in the right direction (53% right / 26% wrong) and Governor Kaine receives a 66% favorable rating."
7. "By a 14-point margin, voters think Creigh Deeds would do a better job “fighting for the middle class” than Bob McDonnell (42% Deeds / 28% McDonnell)."
8. Finally, "Deeds leads 39% to 26% on 'working with the other political party.'"

The memo also notes that even though McDonnell has "spent nearly two million dollars on early paid communications," Deeds is viewed more favorably and also "holds critical issue advantages that will make it difficult for McDonnell to make up ground." Great news.