
Friday, June 26, 2009

National Review Online Lies, Smears Tom Perriello

I've always known that National Review was a right-wing piece of garbage, but this is bad even by their low standards.
The staff of Rep. Thomas Perriello (D., Va.) won’t say which way he is voting on [the Waxman/Markey Clean Energy bill], but they apparently told a constituent who contributes to Red State that he’s just waiting to see if there are enough votes to pass it so he can oppose the bill.
This is patently false, apparently based on a misreading/twisting of this comment at Red State.
His office STILL wouldn’t say which way he was voting on it, so I called them on it, and said that he’s just waiting to see if there are enough votes so he can oppose the bill for political purposes.
Note that it is the CALLER who's suggesting that Perriello is waiting on the votes, not anyone from his office, as NRO incorrectly states. That is beyond shoddy journalism, it's a total twisting of the Red State caller's comment. Especially considering that the LA Times reported this morning that Tom is supporting the bill. In other words, the Red State commenter and NRO are wrong on all counts (as Republicans almost always are).

So, what are the right wingnuts going to say when Tom votes for the final clean energy/green jobs bill? Let me guess, "he caved to pressure/arm-twisting from Pelosi, Obama, blah blah blah..." It's so tedious.

By the way, Tom Perriello deserves tremendous kudos here for practicing what he promised when he was a candidate: "conviction politics". I am very proud of Tom Perriello right now and am more determined than ever to see him reelected next year. Go Tom!