
Sunday, June 21, 2009

McDonnell and Barbour, Such a Fine Pair

The concept of Bob McDonnell being a "moderate" has always been beyond laughable, but if anyone still has any doubts, something tells me that appearances by people like this (and Sarah Palin, and Dick Cheney, and...) will dispel that notion rapidly.
Haley Barbour, a favorite of social conservatives and the vice-chair of the Republican Governor’s Association comes to Virginia on Monday to stump for McDonnell and help the GOP nominee raise some cash for his race for Governor.


While Barbour is beloved by republican die-hards, he is also a prime democratic target. Expect Bob McDonnell’s political enemies to use the joint appearance as a way to build their case that McDonnell is an arch right winger, not the moderate he has attempted to portray himself.

McDonnell will appear with Barbour in both Virginia Beach and here in Richmond...

So, what's wrong with ol' Haley Barbour? Well, how about this for starters?
In 1982, Barbour was the Republican candidate for United States Senate but lost to incumbent Democrat John C. Stennis.

During this failed bid for Senator a controversy arose at a campaigning stump. According to The New York Times, in the presence of the press an aide was complaining to Barbour that "coons" were going to be at a campaign stop at the state fair. Barbour warned the aide, in front of reporters, that if the aide persisted in racist remarks, he would be "reincarnated as a watermelon and placed at the mercy of blacks."
Lovely, huh? Nope, didn't think so.

Then there's this whole issue:
Barbour has been a sharp critic of federal stimulus spending this year along with other a few other GOP governors, including Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Sarah Palin of Alaska. All are considered possible 2012 presidential contenders.

Barbour has rejected some $56 million in federal stimulus money for unemployment compensation, saying he objected to the requirement that Mississippi extend unemployment benefits to people seeking part-time jobs.
Well, it certainly looks like Bob McDonnell and Haley Barbour have a lot in common and will have plenty to talk about.

Bob: "Hey Haley, great move rejecting those federal stimulus funds; screw unemployed people!"

Haley: "Yeah, maybe we can reincarnate one of those losers as a watermelon and...well, you know what I'm saying Bob."

Bob: "Hahahahahahaha, good one Haley!"