When it became apparent both Creigh and Brian would go head to head for the Governor's seat, I personally called both of them up and told them I could not endorse one over the other. It was impossible.My feelings exactly!
The neutrality changed when Terry McAuliffe entered the race. But not at first. When I first learned Terry was running I was upset. Wondering why he was coming in to "our" Party to disrupt what had already been decided, by who I don't know, but Creigh and Brian were the candidates for Governor and that was it. Where did he get off deciding to run for governor?!?!?
Needless to day, on the way home I realized something was very wrong with the way I had allowed myself to view politics, and government.
I could not allow myself to go down that path. I then opened my mind and my ears.
Terry got me fired up during our very first phone conversation. I was actually excited! That hadn't happened in a very long time.
Terry McAuliffe is the candidate who fills me with hope and inspiration. At the end of the day, it is about what is best for Virginia, and Terry has the fresh - outside of the Richmond "box" - perspective to bring those big ideas to fruition to benefit all Virginians.
Like many who have endorsed candidates this year, I have caught some heat, for not being loyal to my "friends," but at the end of the day, the office of Governor is bigger than any single friendship I will ever have. It is an office held by Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, A. Linwood Holton, and of course, Mark Warner and Tim Kaine. It is an office where great things can happen when coupled with superior leadership. Personally, I think it is my responsibility to support the candidate who is thinking that Virginia can be better than where we are today and has the vision to look toward tomorrow.
We can do better, and Virginians deserve better. My personal endorsement of Terry McAuliffe is one that comes from a place of personal desire to make Virginia better for my daughter. On June 9, I will cast my ballot for Terry McAuliffe. Then, very day leading up to November 3, I will support our Democratic nominee for Governor 110%.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Jen Little Writes Powerful Endorsement of Terry McAuliffe
Over at Blue Commonwealth, Jen Little of the Mathews County School Board has a powerful endorsement of Terry McAuliffe that's well worth reading. Here's an extended excerpt, per her request. Thanks to Jen Little for her eloquent and heartfelt diary in support of Terry McAuliffe. It's very similar to how I feel, and to how I ended up supporting McAuliffe myself. Enjoy!