
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Health Care, With a Public Option, Now

Here are a few quotes that explain why we need health care reform WITH a public option, and why we need it now.

"If private insurers say that the marketplace provides the best quality health care; if they tell us that they're offering a good deal, then why is it that the government, which they say can't run anything, suddenly is going to drive them out of business? That's not logical." - President Obama, at yesterday's press conference

"A public option is the only way to guarantee healthcare for all Americans and its inclusion is non- negotiable. Any legislation without the choice of a public option is only insurance reform and not the healthcare reform America needs. - Howard Dean

"If private insurers hadn't fucked their customers over for years, there'd be no public demand for reform." - Markos Moulitsas, on Twitter

"The real risk is that health care reform will be undermined by 'centrist' Democratic senators who either prevent the passage of a bill or insist on watering down key elements of reform. I use scare quotes around 'centrist,' by the way, because if the center means the position held by most Americans, the self-proclaimed centrists are in fact way out in right field." - Paul Krugman in the New York Times

"...without a public option, the other parties that comprise America's non-system of health care -- private insurers, doctors, hospitals, drug companies, and medical suppliers -- have little or no incentive to supply high-quality care at a lower cost than they do now. Which is precisely why the public option has become such a lightening rod. " - Robert Reich in the Wall Street Journal

By the way, a new Washington Post poll indicates that 57% of American are "dissatisfied" with the overall health care system in this country and 85% worry about future health care costs. In addition, 58% agree that "government reform of the nation's health care system (is necessary to control costs and expand coverage)." Well, those 57%, 85% and 58% of Americans are correct. So what are we waiting for? Health care, with a public option, now!

UPDATE: On this subject, I strongly recommend Nate Silver's analysis, "Special Interest Money Means Longer Odds for Public Option."