
Monday, June 22, 2009

Cantor Attempts to Explain GOP Healthcare Non-Plan. Fails.

As usual, Eric Cantor's mouth is moving, words are coming out, but nothing of any sense is able to penetrate any sentient human's brain. For instance, Cantor blatantly lies:
A government plan no matter what you call it will increase costs, it will reduce choices, and especially it will not allow you to keep what you have...
Not surprisingly, having listened to Eric Cantor's blather for far too long, that's pretty much 180 degrees away from the truth. The fact is, a public option is supported by 72% of Americans because they know that it will decrease costs, increase choices, and allow you to keep what you have. In fact, much of the opposition to a public option is coming from the health care companies, who fear competition from the public option, since they know it will be less expensive and better than their crappy HMO's, etc. As to the issue of "not allowing to keep what you have," that's complete nonsense. In fact, the "public option" known as Medicare contains a standard benefit package under which members can receive care from nearly any hospital or doctor in the country. The question, then, is why do Republicans like Eric Cantor keep repeating lies and trying to scare people?

For more on the Democrats' health care reform proposal, see this excellent NewsHour discussion, in which Karen Pollitz from Georgetown University rebuts pretty much all the Republican health care fallacies (aka, "lies").

UPDATE: Thanks to Bryan Scrafford at Left of the Hill for pointing out this excellent video on the "Republican Health Care Horror Show."

UPDATE #2: Interesting, on-point commentary about how "we the people are about to get kneecapped by the special interests yet again" at The Virignia Gazette.