
Monday, June 1, 2009

"Bill O’Reilly’s jihad against Dr. George Tiller"

Jed Lewison writes:
Since 2005, Bill O’Reilly has waged jihad against Dr. George Tiller, dedicating 29 segments of his show to demonizing and dehumanizing Tiller, who he invariably called "Tiller the baby killer."

As you can see from these video clip samplings of O’Reilly’s holy war, you don’t have to actually pull the trigger to help sponsor terrorism...
Also see Salon Magazine, which concludes:
O'Reilly didn't tell anyone to do anything violent, but he did put Tiller in the public eye, and help make him the focus of a movement with a history of violence against exactly these kinds of targets (including Tiller himself, who had already been shot). In those circumstances, flinging around words like "blood on their hands," "pardon," "country club" and "judgment day" was sensationally irresponsible.
Can someone please explain to me how Bill O'Reilly isn't encouraging domestic, right-wing terrorism and murder?