
Monday, June 1, 2009

Aznew ("Virginia Democrat") on "Brian Moran vs. Candidate Moran"

This is a must read by my friend - and Creigh Deeds supporter - Alan Zimmerman, aka "Aznew," aka "The Virginia Democrat." Here's an excerpt, but definitely read the entire thing:
...this debacle of an interview [on WTOP between Mark Plotkin and Brian Moran] speaks to the fact that Brian Moran has been way too handled in this election, rather than just being himself. He seems so focused on staking out positions to simply win the primary that he has proven incapable of communicating who he is as a person, which I suspect, based on the ardor of his supporters, is much more attractive than he proved to be as a candidate. The end result has been a series of gaffes.

* How could Moran have made such a big deal of opposing the coal plant in Surry after voting for the one in Wise, without also being able to explain away, in 30 seconds, the inconsistency in those positions?

* How could Moran have criticized Terry McAuliffe for out of state fundraising when he had done so much of it himself?

* How could Moran say Creigh should be held accountable for his Marshall-Newman votes while he, himself, had voted against gay marriage in 2002?
Good questions, any answers?

UPDATE: Also, see "Kathy in Blacksburg's great diary in support of Terry McAuliffe ("An Extraordinary Candidate for an Extraordinary Time").