According to the web site Bearing Drift, one of the Conservative sites I have been reading and commenting on lately, Tom Perriello cast the deciding vote in the House of Representatives for bringing terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to Virginia.No argument here. Aznew's also correct when he writes that "Republican reliance on arguments like this have been and will continue to erode the credibility of the GOP because they are insulting to voters." Which is fine with me, so I strongly encourage Republican bloggers to keep doing what they're doing! :)
I can’t really tell if this is true or not. The vote seemed to concern whether to allow President Obama to use funds to close the prison, not actually to bring terrorists to Virginia. What’s more, while the vote did sport a margin of one, I can’t tell if Perriello’s was the deciding vote; after all, when the vote is decided by a margin of one, every vote is, in theory, the deciding vote.
But, whatever, I digress into logic.
It really is Bearing Drift, a Republican website that seems smart and serious, that mystifies me. I rarely agree with anything I read there, but have enjoyed the debates I’ve had in comments sections over the past week.
But I simply do not understand why intelligent people traffic in such patent nonsense as Bearing Drift did in this news blurb...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Aznew on Bearing Drift's "Patent Nonsense"
Like my friend Aznew, I also read this odd post at Bearing Drift. I was planning to respond, but since Aznew has done such a great job, I'll simply provide a brief excerpt here and encourage you to read Aznew's entire article.