
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Arrogance, Jealousy, Ignorance and Fear are Not an Attractive Combination

I've got to agree with Karen "Anonymous is a Woman" Duncan on this one:
The Washington Post is a shell of the newspaper it once was, Dana Millbank is an arrogant, pretentious and rude clown, as is Howard Kurtz, and Amanda Carpenter, from the Washington Times, is actually the very last person to talk about partisan bias. Pot to kettle...oh well.

You know the Huff Post and the blogs must be doing something right if we all are getting under their skin.
h/t: NLS

UPDATE: More classiness on Dana Milbank's part, reportedly calling Nico Pitney "such a dick" shortly after the CNN segment ended. They must have taught Milbank that one in J-School. Ha.