
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

47th District Endorsements: Partisans, Mark Warner, and Virginia's Worst Newspaper

This morning brings several endorsements in the 47th House of Delegates district

1. As reported earlier, the Virignia Partisans Gay and Lesbian Club has endorsed Miles Grant.

2 Sen. Mark Warner has endorsed Alan Howze, who Warner said, "worked closely with me to get Virginia’s finances back on track and make needed investments in education and the environment."

3. Not that anyone should care about what Scott McCaffrey has to say about anything (this guy endorsed George Allen over Jim Webb - case closed), but the Arlington Sun Gazette (the joke of a "newspaper" that McCaffrey "edits") has dual endorsed (kind of) Patrick Hope and Andres Tobar for delegate, while also saying that "There is no perfect candidate among the five Democrats vying for the 47th House of Delegates seat in the party’s June 9 primary." Well, alrighty then. Even stupider, the Sun Gazette essentially uses Miles Grant's campaign rationale as the reason NOT to vote for him, saying - gasp!!! - that he has "the support of some on the environmental left and the blogging crowd." My god, you certainly wouldn't want the support of those dreaded environmentalist and progressive activists in a Democratic primary in liberal Arlington! Oh no, that's BAAAAD, says Scott McCaffery. Yeah, this guy realllly knows Arlington. Hahahahaha. :)

As if all that's not stoopid enough, McCaffrey actually attacks Miles for NOT being part of the insider, Richmond culture, saying that Miles' "policy positions and attitude just won’t work down in Richmond." Scott McCaffrey: corporate/establishment tool extraordinaire. All I can say is, whatever the Sun Gazette recommends, it's almost a 100% sure thing that if you do the opposite, you'll be on the right track! :)

UPDATE: More Scott McCaffrey nonsense - he ridicules the Washington Post ("wait a minute, they're still in business?") for endorsing Patrick Hope, then rips the "loopy left" bloggers for supporting Leslie Byrne over Gerry Connolly and for "rather rudely picking on Pat for weeks now." You mean, like pointing out that Hope says he both supports AND opposes I-66 widening?!? What about that appeals to you, Mr. McCaffrey? Also, can there possibly be an editor of a newspaper who's more out of touch with the community he purports to serve? Basically, Scott McCaffrey just insulted the majority of Democratic primary voters, who are both environmentalists and on the "left" politically. Nice job!