
Friday, June 5, 2009

2009 Netroots Surrogate Debate Sunday Night

This should be...uh, fun? Or something like that. Ha.
Common Sense for Virginia is excited to host the 2009 NetRoots Surrogate Debate with 3 experienced bloggers from different aspects of the Virginia blogging scene to represent each of the candidates. CSFVA is pleased to announce that Lowell Feld of Blue Virginia, Waldo Jaquith and Carla Ward of Catzmaw will be participating in this debate representing Terry McAuliffe, Creigh Deeds, and Brian Moran respectively. (Lowell's for Terry, Waldo for Creigh, Carla for Brian)

The debate is scheduled for 7:30PM on Sunday June 7, 2009 and you can submit the questions for the NetRoots debate. Either submit here in the comments section or email them to including you city, state (if other than Va) and then your question to this surrogate debate. We only about 50 hours to make this last debate count! Submit your questions and watch the debate right here on Common Sense for Virginia (in the comments section of a blog post) between 7:30PM and until we're satisfied that we've has a thorough, intellectual discussion.
I'm going up against two tough debaters, so wish me luck! :)

P.S. Here is the link one more time.