
Thursday, May 28, 2009

X Curmudgeon Endorses Terry, Miles

Another day, another endorsement by a blogger for the supposedly non-netroots candidate, Terry McAuliffe. On Tuesday, it was NLS, the largest Democratic blog in Virginia. Today, it's a smaller blog, X Curmudgeon, which writes:
Of the three Democratic candidates, we think McAuliffe will do the best job running against McDonnell. McAuliffe has demonstrated his ability to raise scads of money, which will be needed in this race. Don't think McDonnell will somehow limit himself to Virginia donors--there are only two gubernatorial races this year, and the GOP is going to go all out to win in Va.; it will be a national race.

More importantly, however, McAuliffe has run a clean, upbeat, well-oiled campaign. Everything seems to be professionally done (sometimes overdone), there is great attention to detail, and the campaign has been strategically sound.

Equally important--and a question mark for us at the beginning of the campaign--T.M. has shown a good deal of substance on the campaign trail. We don't think he'd just be an empty suit in the Governor's Mansion if elected.


Three-four months ago, we couldn't have seen ourselves endorsing Terry McAuliffe. But come November, we're going to need his energy, the money he can raise, and the enthusiasm he can generate.
No arguments here.

In addition to endorsing Terry, X Curmudgeon also endorsed Miles Grant for Delegate in the 47th district, writing, "we're most impressed with Miles Grant, who has run a good campaign, made effective use of technology to reach out, and whose record on environmental/energy issues is impeccable." No argument here either; I kinda like this blogger! :)