
Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Too Conservative" Cooch "will be painted as an extremist and it will stick"

Too Conservative's "Loudoun Insider" is not a happy camper over the RPV's nomination of Ken "Cooch" Cuccinelli as their Attorney General candidate this year.
Cuccinelli. Ugh. He will be painted as an extremist and it will stick. He got 54% of 6,800 people so that gives him around 3,500 hard core fanatic followers that will supposedly turn the Virginia Democratic tide against itself. With all the talk of NoVA strength on his part he wil be demolished in Fairfax and Loudoun counties. Check the last election results in Loudoun to see how his type does in Loudoun these days - the days of Dick Black are long gone thanks to the old LCRC growth mentality. Southside Virginia? You’ve got to be kidding - he’s dead meat there. Shenandoah Valley, he’ll do okay. Hampton Roads/Norfolk - who knows, depends on how certain issues play out. He’ll bring out the hard righters for sure but their numbers simply aren’t enough in the new Virginia.
Here's to hoping this analysis is correct, and that we won't have a true right-wing extremist (however "nice" he is personally) as our Attorney General come January 2010.

UPDATE: Over at Bacon's Rebellion, the question is "Could Virginia Become a Christian Theocracy?"
...The GOP, meeting in Richmond over the weekend, nominated hard right former attorney general Bob McDonnell for governor and state Sen. Ken Cuccinelli for attorney general. McDonnell is a grad from Regent University Law School, a creation of televangelist Pat Robertson who has for decades projected his own version of Christ-driven government. Cuccinelli is a pro-life fanatic, who, according to The Washington Post, is unwilling to follow fellow Republicans' advice and tone down any divisive social conservatism that turns off voters.

UPDATE #2: Check out the comments section of Too Conservative, there are some great lines in there. Like, "If Terry M. wins the Dem nomination, he will spend millions making Cuccinelli the face of the GOP." And, "The Convention was a disaster for the GOP. How do we win independent voters with a 'Don’t Tread on Me’ message. Did you see the flags? Those nuts want to secede from the United States for goodness sakes!" Also, "The Dems will make McDonnell and Bolling wear Cuccinelli for the next five months."

UPDATE #3: Meanwhile, check this out. "Karyn Moran, Dorothy McAuliffe and Leslie Byrne spoke for Govs. Leslie had the best line -- called McDonnell 'Pat Robertson's love child!'"