On Webb...Mr. Mullins? Chairman? Pat? Can I call you Pat? Please...pretty please with sugar on top keep having those thoughts and speaking them out loud. Far from helping you guys win elections, attacks like these will simply anger the many fans of Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and Jim Webb. But don't listen to me; keep on talking, don't hold back, and by all means keep letting us know exactly how you feel about Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, Jim Webb or Barack Obama. It's important, it really is, that we hear your opinions! Did I mention that you're doing a great job, and that I'm sure Jeff Frederick is proud of you? Please, keep it up! Thanks. :)
"I don't have to support a senior senator that's an embarrassment to everybody in this commonwealth and is gonna serve one term and be gone."
On Warner...
"I'm glad I'm not a Democrat supporting a junior senator who is adept at speaking out of both sides of his mouth and tells the business leaders in Richmond, 'well, I can't vote for the check-off in its current form, but...' and he's told us during the election that he would cherish Virginia's right to work laws.
On Kaine...
"I'm glad I don't have to defend a part-time governor who's making a full-time salary."
Mullins said in an interview that he is proud of his comments and has made them at various stops around the state. "Those are my thoughts,'' he said. "I will continue to say them."
Thursday, May 14, 2009
RPV Chief Attacks Tim Kaine, Jim Webb, Mark Warner
It looks like we Democrats' prayers have been answered with new RPV chief Pat Mullins. No, I don't think it's particularly bright to attack the state's most popular political leader (Mark Warner), as well as its two other most popular political leaders (Tim Kaine, Jim Webb). Here's Pat Mullins, in his own words: