
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Richmond Free Press Endorses Terry for Governor

It's not online yet (hopefully it will be soon or someone will scan it and email it to me at, but this is an impressive endorsement from Virginia's most respected (and largest) African American newspaper:
Big endorsement! Richmond Free Press, VA's largest Af Am newspaper, endorses @Terry_McAuliffe 4 Gov & @jodywagner 4 Lt. Gov.
Great news for Terry McAuliffe, as (already strong) African American support for his candidacy appears to be gaining momentum as we get closer to election day (in addition, there was the Richmond Crusade for Voters' endorsement of Terry several days ago). It's also good news for Jody Wagner, and bad news for the candidate I support for LG - Mike Signer. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

UPDATE: Got the images, thanks! Please click to "embiggen."

UPDATE #2: The Free Press writes that in order to "keep up the Virginia momentum for President Obama's audacious program of hope and change...we must elect the strongest Democratic candidate with the ability to defeat the Republican candidate in the Nov. 3 General Election." The newspaper adds:
We think Terry McAuliffe is the best candidate in the Democratic primary.

We see Terry McAuliffe as the one who can win, keep up the momentum for hope and change and continue the tradition of the smart, fair-minded, resourceful leadership best exemplified by President Obama.

UPDATE #2: The full text of the endorsement is available here.