
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Primary Arlen Specter

Despite my initial positive reaction, I have quickly come to the view that Arlen Specter needs to be primaried. This is why I say that.

Specter - "There's still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner."

Excuse me? Last I checked, Norm Coleman (R) lost that race to Al Franken (D) and is simply dragging out the inevitable in the courts. What the hell is Arlen Specter (Supposed "D") talking about?!?

Also, I agree with Kos' analysis:
So let's do the math -- in just a week as a Democrat, Specter voted against Obama's budget, said he wouldn't be a loyal Democrat, came out against Obama's health care plan, reiterated his opposition to EFCA, and said he's rooting for the Minnesota courts to overturn the will of the voters and re-seat Republican Norm Coleman.
And, as if all THAT is not enough, "Specter said Tuesday he regrets his vote against Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) two decades ago that helped kill his nomination to the federal bench."

Get this guy outta here.

UPDATE: Consequences for Specter? Also, thank you Joe Sestak!