
Friday, May 22, 2009

PPP: Terry 29%, Creigh 20%, Brian 20%

Another day, another poll in the Virginia Democratic gubernatorial primary. This one's from Public Policy Polling. Here's the bottom line:
There hasn't been much movement over the last two and a half weeks in the Virginia Governor's race, but what has occurred is all in Creigh Deeds' direction.

That doesn't change the fact that Terry McAuliffe continues to hold a solid lead.

McAuliffe is at 29%, followed by Deeds and Brian Moran each tied at 20%, McAuliffe and Moran have stayed in place since the last poll, while Deeds has made a six point gain.
Combined with the Washington Post's endorsement of Creigh Deeds this morning and its harsh words for Brian Moran, I'm officially now more concerned about Creigh than Brian as a threat to Terry winning this thing. Barring Jim Moran pouring half a million bucks into his brother's campaign in the last two weeks - which I wouldn't put past him - Brian's done. The question for Creigh is whether or not he has the resources to capitalize on the Post endorsement. Also, while almost all the polls have Brian around 20%-22% and Terry at 29%-37%, they're all over the place for Creigh, ranging from 13% (Research 2000) to 26% (SurveyUSA), with the PPP poll right in the middle. Who knows?

By the way, in the LG race, 68% remain undecided, with 21% for Jody Wagner and 11% for Mike Signer. With such a huge percentage of undecided voters, this thing is wide open with 2 1/2 weeks to go, although I'd still say that Wagner maintains the advantage. All I can say is that the LG campaigns had better cover those polling places, because a lot of voters are going to show up still undecided, barring a big change in the next 18 days.

P.S. I just checked, and they've got the average of all the recent polls at Terry 33.8%, Brian 21.3%, and Creigh 20.0% (an average 12.5-percentage-point lead for Terry) with 18 days to go. Not too shabby!