
Monday, May 25, 2009

Powell Twice as Popular as Cheney or Limbaugh

You gotta love it when the general beats the two chickenhawks:
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, suggests that 70 percent have a favorable opinion of Powell, who was Secretary of State during President George W. Bush's first term, and who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion.

In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney, with 55 percent indicating they hold an unfavorable view of the former vice president.
That's right, Colin Powell's approval rating (70%) is greater than Dick Cheney's (37%) and Rush Limbaugh's (30%) combined. Actually, it's more likely that it's the same "not the brightest bulb" people who approve of both Cheney and Limbaugh, so adding those two approval ratings together makes little sense. The bottom line is that Colin Powell is far and away more popular than Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh. With one exception, that is:
Among Republicans, it's a different story. The poll suggests that 66 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Cheney, 64 percent give Powell a thumbs up, and 62 view Limbaugh in a favorable way.
More evidence that Republicans simply don't think like you, me, and 70% of America. Then again, this is the same bunch who made an extremist imbecile named Sarah Palin their hero of 2008. What else is there to say about these people, besides "don't ever elect them to anything?"