
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Miles Grant: "I come from a family of teachers"

Along with four other candidates (Andres Tobar, Patrick Hope, Adam Parkhomenko, Alan Howze), my friend and fellow blogger/enviro activist Miles Grant is running for House of Delegates from the 47th district (Arlington). Last night, there was a candidates forum in the Arlington neighborhood of Lyon Park. I'd estimate at least 60 people in attendance, not too shabby at all. I took a bunch of video; here's one of Miles talking about education and how he comes from a "family of teachers." Please click here for Miles speaking about fighting for what you believe in, here for Miles on progressive taxation, and here for Miles on health care. Also, I enjoyed putting this together - enjoy!

P.S. Miles rocked last night and should definitely be the top choice for all 47th District progressives. I'd also give "most improved" award to Adam Parkhomenko>, who is a far FAR better speaker (and candidate) as this campaign comes to a close than he was at the beginning.