
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Memo from McAuliffe Campaign on Post Article

Yesterday, the McAuliffe campaign issued the following "Memorandum RE: Washington Post Story on McAuliffe's Business Background."
This evening, the Washington Post posted a story that focused on aspects of gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's business background. That story can be found here.

If you are interested in more information, please click
I strongly suggest that everyone read that information, especially the following parts: 1) "Is it true that Terry’s created thousands of jobs?" (Answer: "Yes"); 2) "Has Terry acted responsibly using personal associations in his business ventures?" (Answer: "Yes. Successful venture capitalists invariably use personal connections in order learn about new investments and structure deals that are mutually beneficial to the parties involved. And Terry’s had success as an entrepreneur."); 3) "Did Terry make money at the expense of union retirees when he went in on a special land deal with IBEW union bosses?..." (Answer: "No."); 4) "Did Terry get a sweetheart deal when he turned a $100,000 stock investment in Global Crossing -- a company that suffered an Enron-style collapse after McAuliffe sold his stock -- into a multi-million dollar profit?" (Answer: "No"); and 5) "Has Terry ever lobbied?" (Answer: "No").

In short, Terry McAuliffe is proud of his record in business and has nothing to hide. Remember, this is a guy who's been a high-profile public figure, as well as a high-profile target by Republicans, for many years. And what have they pinned on him? Nada. Zip. Nothing. Heck, even the chair of the Republican National Committee in 2002, Marc Racicot, thought there was nothing wrong with anything Terry McAuliffe had done:
“I know of absolutely nothing that he did wrong. You know, that's one of the things that causes me pause about our political affairs these days, is that by insinuation or some kind of innuendo, just because you want to win on a given day, you suggest things that are not supported by the evidence or that you don't believe to be true. What I know is what Terry McAuliffe has said. And I accept it at face value in the way that he's offered it. And I have no further questions.
So, there you have it. Insinuation, innuendo, or facts? It's all out there, judge for yourself.

P.S. The comments in this post by Joe Trippi are HIGHLY revealing. Basically, McAuliffe volunteer (and college student) Kyle Blankenship calmly uses facts and logic to win the argument, while anonymous commenters attack Kyle personally. Niiiiice.

P.P.S. The fact that one of the top people on Brian Moran's campaign is out there touting this non-story (Terry McAuliffe made money - more at 11! LOL) pretty much tells us everything we need to know about the Moran campaign, and none of it is flattering. Meanwhile, we're still waiting for the reasons why we should vote FOR Brian Moran. We're also still waiting for all those (supposedly) horrible things about Terry that supposedly were going to make him "unelectable" or whatever. So far, it's all a big yawner.