
Friday, May 29, 2009

Marc Fisher Calls it a Day

Now this is someone in the corporate media who I do NOT want to see go. From Marc Fisher of the Washington Post:
Today's is my last column, and as I scan the archives, I see stories of public arrogance and private foibles, but mostly, I see stories of people poking their way through life -- a quest I've tried to capture here a few times each week.


Newspapers are in a fight to survive, desperately searching for new ways to reflect the world to an audience that is less trusting, more distracted and diffuse. For many people now, digital connections seem to trump geography as the central definition of home. But those electronic ties don't fulfill all our needs. Where we live still matters. Starting next month, I'll be putting together a group of writers whose job it will be to tell the truths of Washington in compelling and essential ways, combining traditional storytelling with new forms that involve and engage the people who live here.
I wish Marc Fisher success in his new endeavor(s), and will definitely miss his writings in the Washington Post. Maybe it really is time to cancel my subscription now?