Sunday, May 10, 2009
LG Debate at 6:30 PM: Live Blog
Debate starts with George Burke reading my blog post about Jon Bowerbank not attendin the LG debate, although he read a version that was only up for about a minute before I edited it. Such is life in the blogosphere, I guess! LOL
Burke also says that Bowerbank wanted to be with his mother on Mother's Day, and that's why he's not at the debate.
Mike's opening statement: Talks about Mother's Day, his mother as a role model. Running for LG because it can be more than a placeholder, can be a public advocate. Shine a spotlight on problems we've ignored for too long. 15 years of experience in trenches of VA Dem. Party. The Dem. Party is about social justice and economic fairness. I will be the strongest nominee against Bill Bolling.
Jody's opening statement: Live in Hampton Roads, 4 children, Jody's popcorn, past 7 years in Warner and Kaine administration. Treasurer and Sec. Finance. We accomplished a lot. Best managed state, etc. But we are facing difficult times. Need LG to continue progress of Warner-Kaine admin.
Question #1: Duties of LG, full-time or part-time job, how will you make a living.
Jody: LG job is very important. Most of my time would be spent being LG. Would still run popcorn company. Would work to create jobs in Commonwealth, also work hard on education issues. High school graduation rate, career track education.
Mike: It's a part time job, I would need a little bit more income than $35,000 per year. That would be a pretty good salary in many parts of Virginia, but I'd have to make more income. I don't have resources of my opponents. I got into this race as a matter of the heart, practical considerations were not foremost. We're at a crossroads in Virginia. It's so urgent for people to bring new ideas to Richmond.
Jody: This is a job that you can do a lot with. Mike says he'd be a public advocate, it will take time to do that, need to be able to balance your priorities. I've done that for years as a working mom, I understand balance.
Question #2: Leadership role similar to LG?
Mike: Deputy counselor to Gov. Warner. Humbling and powerful experience. Worked on situations of great gravitas.
Jody: You were deputy legal counsel for 4 months.
Mike: You have your facts wrong, I was deputy legal counsel for 7 months.
Cross-talk between Jody and Mike...a little fireworks right there.
Question #3: Experience, leadership role...continued.
Mike: Flat misrepresentation by Jody about the time I worked with Gov. Warner. I'm proud of that time. This office, you need someone who believes in values of economic fairness and social justice. Activism. At UVA School of Law, horrible incidence of racial violence, I started organization that galvanized movement.
Jody: The job of Sec. Finance, you work with Governor and Legislature. Most proud of working on bond package in 2008. Senate and House couldn't agree, we worked with chairmen of committees, we got a bill that ultimately passed unanimously, construction going on today on college campuses.
Question #4: Heir to Warner-Kaine legacy, please elaborate.
Jody: In 2002, I took office the same day as Gov. Warner, inherited a mess from Jim Gilmore, AAA bond rating in jeopardy. Warner said, "Don't lose the AAA credit rating." We didn't. We continued that legacy under Gov. Kaine.
Mike: It's been a big part of my life watching and participating. Worked on legal team for Warner, deputy counsel. Served as surrogate for Tim Kaine when he was running for governor. Fighting in politics, being part of winning campaigns, key variable for who will take on Bill Bolling this fall.
Question #5: Step in if necessary as Governor, what qualifies you to act?
Mike: Jody's narrative should be familiar to anyone who watched presidential debates last year, attacks on Obama that he didn't have enough experience. It's not clear who Jody supported because she didn't vote. Obama overcame those arguments about the length of his bio, he's acquitted himself beautifully. Served as Edwards foreign policy advisor and later, advisor to Obama's campaign. I'm proud what Edwards campaign stood for -- poverty, war in Iraq, veterans issues.
Jody: By serving in Kaine's cabinet, I was involved in most governing decisions. State budget, how to pay for conservation, how to deal with prison system, how to deal with economic development. Worked on commissions, Virginia econ. development board, Tobacco Commission. Vast knowledge and experience I have would help me step in for Governor.
Question #6: Who did you support in 2008
Jody: I didn't actively get involved in any of the campaigns, I didn't vote in that primary, we've all missed elections. The important thing is working for Virginia, and that's what I was doing that day.
Question #7: What electoral experience do you have in running for office or campaign management?
Jody: In 2000, I was Dem. nominee for 2nd CD. Hard race in bad year for Dem's, but we did pretty well...48% of the vote.
Mike: I was senior strategist for Tom Perriello in 5th CD, incredible experience, we took him into southern part of district, overcame 30-point deficit. [Burke says, "so you were paid; Mike answers, "yes"]
[Burke takes another shot at Bowerbank for not being there, "That's his problem not ours"]
Question #8: Economic crisis. Why are you qualified in that areas?
Jody: Biggest problem is economic situation. 300,000 Virginians unemployed. Very important to create jobs. I helped create many jobs during Warner and Kaine admin's. Also created jobs in popcorn company, husband's medical practice.
Mike: Look at the way that somebody runs their campaign. We've led on issues of public policy -- green tech, wind farm off Hampton Roads, restoration of rights for ex-offenders. We won online poll, excitement among netroots.
Jody: Creating jobs is very different than running a campaign. Your plan takes stimulus dollars and spends them, but those will not be allocated by LG. I have a hard time understanding how you can take that position. Campaign is very different than creating jobs.
Mike: We may talk to different people. Need to use federal stimulus $$$. It would make sense to get priorities right. Shift as much money as possible to jobs. In my capacity as an advocate, as much of stimulus money as possible should be going to creating jobs.
Question #9: What experience do you have in terms of creating jobs?
Mike: If everybody had said to Barack Obama, you can't be president because you haven't run a business, you wouldn't be president. He's doing a great job. I'm standing with organized labor. Employee Free Choice Act. Jody spoke enthusiastically about Right to Work. We are a Right to Work state, but we shouldn't talk enthusiastically about i.
Jody: Most relevant experience is serving on various boards and commissions that looked at creating jobs and did it. Tobacco Commission, Virginia Economic Development Partnership. Entice big employers to come into state and create jobs.
Question #10: LG's job is to preside over Senate, doesn't vote unless there is a tie, 2-3 maximum staff members, really is a part-time job, how do you take that and push wind energy off coast, create 50,000 jobs, etc?
Mike: What are our values when we're called upon to be a public servant, we only have 3 constitutional offices. Extract most benefit from this job. I want to start new things. I'd have to negotiate my portfolio. I will work on my priorities.
Jody: Very important duties. Bill Bolling has put us in different position on some issues than if he had not been LG. Two examples: Planned Parenthood (Bolling voted against it); Amend constitution to allow ex-felons to have their voting rights back (Bolling cast deciding vote to not let it out of Senate). LG is an important job.
Question #11: Surry County coal-fired power plant
Jody: We need to be looking at alternative energy, getting away from coal-fired power plants. That's what governor candidates are talking about. ODU is growing algae to extract oil for cars. Renewable energy.
Mike: I'm against Surry, it will pollute environment. We need a coherent, thoughtful approach. If we're going to pass Cap and Trade at federal level, it makes no sense for us to build new coal plants in this way. Wind has produced more jobs in last year than coal, yet Virginia's doing almost nothing in that area. Need a public advocate in this area. Bill Bolling is all about "drill, baby, drill." I want to beat him on that.
Question #12: Education, how would you fix it.
Mike: Absolutely critical issue, I'm product of public schools. Coming from Arlington, we have well-funded and some of the best schools in Commonwealth. Need to reduce dropout crisis. Virginia is a family. We need reformers in Richmond who care about economic fairness, social justice.
Jody: We have many good public schools, we need to continue to make them better. Three things we need to do: 1) deal with dropout rate; 2) career track education; 3) gotta get kids excited about science, technology, math. Wind jobs, energy jobs all need technical education.
Question #13: Why do you think Jon Bowerbank chose not to come today?
Jody: I'm not going to guess. He led me to believe he was spending Mothers Day with his mom. I'm sure Jon has his reasons.
Mike: I like competition. I don't know why Jon didn't come, but the objection he had offered is immaterial. Visualize which nominee you want. I relish the fight. Our ideas are better, Republicans have not delivered.
Question #14: Positive statement about your opponents.
Mike: Jody Wagner has a long and distinguished record, run an impressive campaign which I respect as a strategist - endorsements, money, establishment campaign. I'm running an insurgent, grassroots campaign. I think Jon is an amiable guy who has connected with a lot of people. I would appreciate him being here. I like him.
Jody: Jon is very amicable, lot of fun, he's a pleasure to be with, he's been very diligent in this campaign. Very much admire Mike's commitment to academia - PhD, JD, written a book.
[Burke: I'm impressed by all the candidates and wish Jon was here with us.]
Question #15: What books have you read recently?
Jody: Not much time to read right now. Been doing books on CD, "First 100 Days."
Mike: The Shad Treatment, great populist campaign, great book.
Question #16: Free health clinic in SWVA, how do we take care of less fortunate folks in Virginia, uninsured Virginians?
Mike: Incredibly tragic story, woman who couldn't afford dentures.
Jody: A lot of people without health insurance are working poor. Change House of Delegates, get a program.
Closing Statements
Jody: Important thing is to win LG office, Bolling has been against Mark Warner, Tim Kaine. The only person Bolling said yes to is Jim Gilmore. I have endorsers all over Commonwealth. We have hundreds of local elected officials, mayors all over Virginia, Arlington Firefighters, Arlington Police, Fairfax Police.
Mike: Excitement among netroots, grassroots. Unions, congressional district chairs have endorsed me. Lots of experience in Virginia politics. When a campaign tells untruths it's weak, Jody led with a fundamental untruth about my time with Mark Warner. This is hardball and I'm ready, but I do think it shows a strong campaign when you want to win on the issues.
[Burke: I wish Jon had chosen to join us, you're all capable individuals and I wish you best of luck on June 9]