
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I-66 Widening Debate Heats Up in 47th District

The I-66 widening debate is heating up in Arlington's 47th House of Delegates district between Democratic candidates Patrick Hope, Adam Parkhomenko and Miles Grant. Here's the sequence of recent statements on the issue:

1. At a forum the other day in South Arlington, Patrick Hope said he'd support widening I-66 for "bus only" but then said he opposed widening I-66. Confusing.

2. Tonight, at a forum in Arlington's Lyon Park, 47th HoD candidate Adam Parkhomenko said that, unlike Patrick Hope, he opposes widening I-66 for a bus lane because "it won't be long before the state says, 'the bus lane's not working, let's make it 3 lanes in every direction.'"

3. Patrick Hope then responded to Adam by repeating that he opposes widening I-66 but also, seemingly in contradiction, that "the only way that I would ever agree to this is if that one lane that's widened is devoted solely to bus lanes." widening except if it's for a bus lane, in which case widening is ok. Or something.

4. Miles Grant concluded the debate with the following zinger: "I think when we talk about I-66, if we start compromising here in this room right now, what's going to happen by the time we get down to need to ask for what you really want and what you really believe in."

So, the bottom line question on the issue of I-66 widening is simple: as Miles Grant asks, what does Patrick Hope "really want" and what does he "really believe in?" If you can figure it out from the video above, please let us all know. Thanks.