
Friday, May 1, 2009

Funny, Serious Souter Tweets This Morning

Supreme Court justice David Souter is retiring, and people are tweeting about it. Here are few from this morning that I found funny and/or serious. What else are you hearing?

Good advice by David Weigel: "This would be a good time for ambitious liberal jurists to pay their motherfucking taxes."

Another funny tweet, also by David Weigel: "You people tweeting the Souter news realize that the rest of us have the Internet, too, right?"

Satirical conspiracy theory by Pandagon: "Souter retired to hide swine flu which protected Sebelius which masked Specter which hid Bo peeing in the Lincoln bedroom."

Politically incorrect joke about someone who thinks being "PC" is stupid by Fake Virginia: "Upon hearing of Souter retirement news, Clarence Thomas says, 'Which white dude is that?'"

My thoughts exactly by michstjame: "With Souter's impending retirement, I am again beyond grateful it is President Obama and not President McCain. I am every day, but-yeah."

Ditto by cplong: "Souter to retire, Obama to nominate the replacement. Another reason it was important to go door-to-door for BO last year."

Ditto Squared by Peter Daou: "Souter stepping down - in the end, wasn't the unspoken import of the '08 election about the courts? it's where Bush did lasting damage."

I was hoping the oldest justices would retire first and that Obama would replace them with young progressives who would be on the court for decades. Instead...Beth Renaldi: "Would not have predicted that Justice Souter would be first retirement from Supreme Court. After all, Justice Stevens is 89."

And get off my damn lawn, says grumpy old man Scott Surovell: "wonders why they call Souter, Stevens, Breyer, and Ginsburg "liberals." They don't hold a candle to William Brennan or Thurgood Marshall."

I'm so jaded and world weary, by Larry Sabato: "Supreme vacancy =supreme media frenzy. In the end, the new Justice will likely vote almost the same way as Souter. Much ado about v. little."

Clinton? Bill or Hillary? Marc Ambinder: "Potential Souter replacements: Kagan, Sears, D. Wood, Sotomayor, Sunstein, Clinton..... others? I'd love to say R. Posner, but ... no."

P.S. Here are some possible Souter replacements, many of whom are women. Personally, I vote for the most qualified progressive, male or female, but all else being equal, I think we need more women on the Supreme Court. We also need more diversity in general. But the top considerations have got to be that the person is a strong progressive and a brilliant legal mind.