
Sunday, May 31, 2009

FCDC JJ Dinner Straw Poll Results

I just got back from the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. Here are the straw poll results. Keep in mind that Brian Moran and Jody Wagner were strongly favored to win this straw poll among the Fairfax County Democratic establishment, so take the results with however many grains of salt you prefer. Also, keep in mind that it cost $150 per person to attend the dinner, $300 per person if you wanted to attend the VIP reception, so this wasn't exactly the average people of Fairfax last night.

Brian Moran: 166 (40.9%)
Creigh Deeds: 123 (30.3%)
Terry McAuliffe: 117 (28.8)

Lieutenant Governor
Jody Wagner: 260 (65.7%)
Mike Signer: 136 (34.3%)

I'll be uploading some video, depending on whether technology cooperates or not.

A few other random thoughts on the dinner.

*This is the last major Democratic candidate event prior to election day on June 9. Yes, we're finally coming down the home stretch.
*The schedule of the dinner got scrambled because Mark Warner, who was supposed to be the keynote speaker, had to leave for some reason. Jim Webb filled in and did an excellent job, with his call for Democratic post-primary unity very well received.
*I talked to a lot of people I haven't seen in a while, and it was definitely good to catch up.
*It was great seeing Jon Bowerbank at the dinner. Even though Jon's no longer a candidate, he still appears very interested in public service and in staying involved in Virginia Democratic politics. Good for him.
*All the candidates seemed tired, as did the crowd, which didn't seem as "into it" as at last year's FCDC JJ dinner, for instance. This has been a loooong campaign, following a loooong presidential primary and election season in 2007/2008. I heard a few people saying they just wish we could take a break from politics for a while.
*Just about everyone who saw or read about the Republican convention yesterday seems to feel that they've got a divisive, extreme ticket, but also that they are skillful politicians and will be tough to beat. We have to make sure that Virginians know how far out of the mainstream Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli really are.