
Friday, May 22, 2009

Campaign for Miles Grant This Weekend?

From the Miles Grant for Delegate campaign:
Staying in town for Memorial Day Weekend? Join one of our weekend canvasses! We'll be heading out from Miles Grant for Delegate HQ (4001 5th St N #1) on Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 1pm. Get more details at our campaign events page or RSVP on Facebook!

Can't make canvassing? Consider making a contribution of $100, $50 or $25 to help provide supplies for our volunteers!

Miles Grant for Delegate has become the first carbon-offset campaign in Virginia General Assembly history! We're offsetting our carbon footprint with TerraPass. That's in addition to everything else we're doing to minimize our campaign's environmental impact, from carpooling to printing all materials on recycled paper. Read all the details in our press release!

Finally, here's a new clip of Miles talking about Virginia's current failed energy policies and the opportunities of a clean energy future:

Thanks for your continuing support!

Miles Grant for Delegate
Virginia's 47th District in Arlington