
Friday, May 15, 2009

Arlington JJ Dinner: A Few Photos

I tried a new camera tonight, big mistake. Anyway, here are a few photos, and hopefully the video came out ok.

By the way, there were about 260 people at tonight's Arlington County Democratic Committee JJ Dinner, including Jon Bowerbank, who announced hours earlier that he was withdrawing from the LG race. I had a chance to talk to all the LG candidates, but most of it was "off the record" so I can't really say much, except that both Jody Wagner and Mike Signer seemed happy! Also, there was some discussion that Bowerbank's withdrawal could hurt Creigh Deeds to the extent that Bowerbank doesn't spend money on GOTV in southwestern Virginia. We'll see.

Among many other people, I had a chance to chat with the dinner's keynote speaker, Rep. Glenn Nye, during the "VIP reception" (I got to go as "media"). Nye reported that he's incredibly busy as a Congressman, but definitely seems to be enjoying it from what I can tell.

P.S. The bottom left photo is of ACDC Chair Peter Rousselot and Jon Bowerbank. The bottom right photo is of Mike Signer and 47th HoD candidate Patrick Hope. The upper left photo is hopefully a sign of Democratic unity after June 9. The upper right photo is the JJ Dinner organizers and the gubernatorial candidates.