
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Arlington JJ Dinner Coming Up Soon

I received the following from Karla Hagan, on behalf of the 2009 Arlington County Democratic Committee Jefferson-Jackson Planning Committee. Tickets are available for purchase online through Friday, May 8 at the Arlington County Democratic Committee web site. I've been to several of these JJ's, and they're always a fun time. Check this one out!
As you know, the Arlington County Democratic Committee is holding its 2009 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Friday, May 15. The J-J planning committee is pleased to have pulled together an exciting program, which will include keynote speaker Representative Glenn Nye, from Virginia's 2nd congressional district, to be introduced by Representative Jim Moran. All three gubernatorial candidates - Creigh Deeds, Terry McAuliffe, and Brian Moran - and all three Lieutenant Governor candidates - Jon Bowerbank, Mike Signer, and Jody Wagner - are CONFIRMED for attendance.

The event, which has sold out in the last few years, is the Arlington Democrats' most important fundraising event, and this year it is the most eagerly anticipated. With this year's hotly contested primaries for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the 47th District of the House of Delegates to be held just 25 days later, it's the place to be for Virginia Democratic politics on May 15!

This exciting opportunity to have all six candidates at the top of this year's ticket in one room just 25 days before the primary is significant on both an Arlington county level and statewide.
P.S. The 30th Annual Prince William County Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner will be held on May 30 at VFW Post 1503 in Dale City. Former Presidential Candidate and Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis will be the keynote speaker. You can buy your ticket here.

A day later (May 31), the Fairfax County Democratic Committee will hold its JJ Dinner at the McLean Hilton. I haven't heard who the keynote speaker will be for that one.