
Monday, May 4, 2009

Alexandria City Elections Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that there are elections tomorrow for the Alexandria City Council. It's important that people come out and vote Democratic if they want to continue with proven, effective leadership in these difficult economic times. Unsurprisingly, the Republicans running for City Council are not presenting sound ideas for the future governance of Alexandria. To the contrary, their election would be detrimental, particularly if they were to carry through with their talking points that Alexandria should cut city jobs without a specific plan of what this would entail exactly. In addition, their idea of cutting taxes without specific plans for how to make up the lost revenue would place in jeopardy the city's services and its AAA bond rating. Obviously, none of that makes any sense.

The danger tomorrow is that there could be very low voter turnout. With no statewide race, with the mayor unopposed for reelection, and with the possibility of rain, this looks like its going to be a matter of every candidate trying to get out their individual base. Alexandrians can vote for a total of six candidates, but they can vote for any number less than that or even just one if they choose. Del. Charnelle Herring's close election is still very fresh on everyone's minds, and Republicans are eager to break into this currently Democratically controlled Council. has endorsed all the Dem candidates here.
Also, the following are links to all the Democratic candidates' websites:

William Euille

City Council
Kerry Donley
Rob Krupicka
Timothy Lovain
Redella "Del" Pepper
Paul Smedberg
Justin Wilson

If you're an Alexandria Democratic, please be sure to get out and vote tomorrow!