
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Webb and Warner Explain Votes for Obama Budget

Jim Webb and Mark Warner, our two superb, Democratic U.S. Senators, get it exactly right on Barack Obama's budget (which they both voted for). From the Star Exponent:

Jim Webb
Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., said in a statement Friday morning that Democrats’ almost widespread support of the budget was “aimed at reversing the failed economic policies of the past” while restoring jobs and a vibrant economy.

Mark Warner
“I think the president’s laid out the right priorities: energy, education, health care, but also budget reduction,” Sen. Warner said in an interview Thursday on MSNBC.

He said he served on the Senate Budget Committee that tried “to actually ratchet back some of the President’s initial spending” so that within five years the deficit is below 3 percent of the gross domestic product.

“We’ve got to go further,” Warner said. “We’ve got to take on long-term, systemic spending if we’re going to get this deficit under control.”
By the way, I strongly agree with Mark Warner that we need to get "long-term, systemic spending" (aka, Medicare and Social Security) "under control." And there's nobody better suited to deal with these challenges than successful businessman and former governor Mark Warner. In sum, I can't tell you how happy I am to have Jim Webb and Mark Warner in the U.S. Senate!