
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tom Perriello Returns from Afghanistan

From Rep. Perriello's office:
...Congressman Tom Perriello returned yesterday from a mission to Afghanistan as part of the Health Subcommittee of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Traveling with the Surgeons General of the U.S. Army and Navy and a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, he surveyed health care delivery for soldiers on forward operating bases, central bases, and transition hospitals.

"I am deeply grateful for the heroism and professionalism of our medical units saving lives overseas, and I want to ensure we're providing that continuity of care from the battlefront to our veterans back home," said Perriello.

He added: "As we prepare to make serious decisions about our policy in Afghanistan, it was important to me to listen to the men and women risking their lives to defend our country and the generals leading them."

Some of the topics discussed on the mission were suicide rates of enlisted troops and veterans, continuity of care including electronic medical record-keeping, the upcoming presidential elections in Afghanistan, and the implications of increasing troops there.

On his mission, he delivered cards from 5th District school children to troops serving overseas. Cards were collected from Rustburg Elementary and Middle Schools, Gladys Elementary (Campbell County), and Dillwyn Primary School (Buckingham County).