
Friday, April 24, 2009

Teachers Saw Behind the "Playing Nice"

All four gubernatorial candidates graced the Virginia Education Association's annual meeting last evening. The story in today's Virginian Pilot mentions Bob McDonnell in a single sentence, about the same mind the crowd gave him. While the press did not draw much of a distinction between the three Democrats, even writing they "played nice," there was a clear difference in resonance with the audience.

Whatever Brian Moran is trying, it isn't effective. He had to have been unsettled when his standard opening jab at Bob McDonnell, "I can remember when Bob McDonnell was a conservative," fell flat, followed by an uncomfortable silence broken by a couple of polite laughs. The intended irony was lost on this group who certainly still perceive Bob far to their right. Measuring the audience is fundamental and while last night the pandering to the Virginia Education Association membership was accepted politely, the acting out did not serve him well. This was a crowd of professionals, all who have spent time with poorly behaved students and who have honed the skills to analyze the source of the behavior. And summing up his campaign by saying, "This is personal," underlined the nuanced tone that was missed by the Pilot's reporter.

While Terry and Senator Deeds focused on the issues, Brian was intent on delivering a new salvo by innuendo. Backing off the fundraiser attack, he drew a parallel between McAuliffe and the directors of the failed financial institutions in an attempt to discredit his entrepreneurial success. He made an effort to convince the crowd that only someone with governmental experience can succeed as Governor (sorry Senator Warner). And he specifically praised the ideas coming out of Richmond as providing the solutions to our problems. But the most direct backhand was the insinuation that Terry is rhetoric without substance; interpret: an unaccomplished pretender without the credibility of public service.

The reaction to Terry's remarks about focusing on developing the engine that can provide education funding, better and more jobs, clearly grabbed everyone's imagination. Yes, he promised additional funding, but he explained how he would accomplish that. The effort to undermine Terry's potential as governor was transparent to this bunch of grown-ups who deal with such anxious behavior each and every day. The issues, the plans to accomplish substantial goals, these were what this group came to hear. It serves the candidates well to stick to them. It serves the Democratic cause.