
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Signer, Bowerbank Call for More LG Debates [UPDATE: Wagner Accepts]

Since debates are just soooo much fun (ha), the Mike Signer (see statement, issued a few minutes ago, in the comments section) and Jon Bowerbank campaigns (see Jon's statement, issued yesterday, also in the comments section) have both called for more of them in the Democratic lieutenant governor race. So far, it appears that Jody Wagner is adopting a classic frontrunner's strategy, which is to avoid debating when you're confident you're going to win. The questions are whether Wagner is correct in that assumption, and also whether the Signer or Bowerbank campaigns can force her to change that calculus. We'll see, but so far...[cue sound of crickets chirping].

UPDATE: I just received a press release indicating that "Jody Wagner...had accepted an invitation to attend a fourth debate between the candidates for Lt. Governor, hosted by TV Inside Scoop in Northern Virginia." The debate will be held on May 10 at 6:30 PM at the Fairfax Public Access studios in Merrifield. The press release noted that "This will be the fourth time the candidates for Lt. Governor have debated."