
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Miles Grant Takes No Dirty Dominion Dollars Pledge

I'm very happy to see Miles Grant, who in support for House of Delegates in the 47th district. I'd love to see every other Democratic candidate running for House of Delegates or statewide office take this same pledge, and basically tell Dominion "Global Warming Starts Here" Power where to go.
April 29, 2009

As Virginia confronts the threat of climate change and our dependence on dirty, polluting energy sources, we need leaders who will think big and fight the special interests that block progress towards a clean energy future.

Dominion Virginian Power was the top business donor to Virginia politicians in 2008, contributing nearly twice as much as the runner-up, the tobacco company Altria. Their influence has gone unchallenged for years, allowing them to serve as the dominant force in policy decisions – consistently weighting the scales against clean energy and a cleaner Virginia. The stakes are too high to let that continue.

Therefore I, Miles Grant, Democratic candidate for House of Delegates in Virginia’s 47th district, pledge that I will not accept contributions or gifts from Dominion Resources, its subsidiaries or its employees, either as a candidate or as an elected official. If I ever mistakenly accept such a contribution, I pledge to give it to a clean energy or environmental nonprofit as soon as the error is discovered. I take this pledge not as a statement about Dominion's right to exist or its employees, but as a promise to consider only the public interest as we move Virginia's energy policies forward.

Miles Grant
Democrat for Delegate
Virginia’s 47th District in Arlington
The bottom line here is this: pro-environment talk is cheap, but I want to see candidates and politicians put their MONEY where their mouths are. Miles has done so, now what about everyone else?

P.S. By the way, Terry McAuliffe has taken this pledge. Creigh Deeds and Brian Moran have not done so.

P.P.S. Another candidate who has said she will not take dirty Dominion dollars is Kaye Korey, running against Bob Hull in the 38th. In the 47th, the four other candidates - Andres Tobar, Adam Parkhomenko, Patrick Hope and Alan Howze - stated in their Blue Virginia interviews that they haven't and/or won't take money from Dominion Power (note: Alan Howze said he had taken money from a Dominion Power executive, Bob Blue, but not from Dominion's PAC). Now, if we could only move beyond the solid-blue 38th and 47th districts...