
Friday, April 3, 2009

McAuliffe Calls for Payday Lending Ban

Just catching up from a lot of stuff that happened yesterday. One important item was Terry McAuliffe's call for a payday lending ban in Virginia. I also find it interesting that, in Jeff Schapiro's words, "McAuliffe's two foes in the June 9 primary echoed his proposal, though both Sen. R. Creigh Deeds of Bath County and former Del. Brian J. Moran of Alexandria voted in 2002 to open Virginia to payday lenders." Schapiro also points out that, "while Moran's 'Homeowners' Bill of Rights' includes a ban on predatory and deceptive lending, he has accepted about $25,000 in contributions from payday and car-title lenders and check-cashing companies, according to the Virginia Public Access Project."

In contrast to Moran and Deeds, McAuliffe "wants Virginia to join about a dozen states and prohibit the lenders altogether." On this one, I'm strongly with Terry McAuliffe. This also points out how being in Richmond for a long time can be problematic, as I strongly believe that the entire system in our state's capital is corrupted by money from special interests and big corporations (e.g., Dominion Power, the payday lending industry). I also strongly believe it's time for change in the culture of Richmond, and think we're most likely to see that from someone who hasn't BEEN in Richmond for much of their adult life.