
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Listening to Bearing Drift's Live Broadcast from Frederick Impeachment Hearings

I'm listening to Bearing Drift's podcast of the impeachment hearings against RPV chair Jeff Frederick. According to Bearing Drift blogger Jim Hoeft and Washington Post reporter Anita Kumar, it will require 57 votes to achieve the 75% threshold to remove Frederick from office. There are 76 voting people there, which means Frederick needs 20 votes. According to Washington Post reporter Anita Kumar, the vote's going to be really close, - 1 or 2 votes either way - whether or not to keep Jeff Frederick. According to Anita Kumar, opponents and supporters of Jeff Frederick were both saying they were "sure they had the votes." Of course, it's possible that some people haven't made up their minds.

Apparently, Jeff Frederick has said that if he's impeached today, he'll run again at the RPV convention.

By the way, Shaun Kenney and Jim Hoeft are doing a great job at this. Impressive. Particularly their NCAA picks! :)

Jim Hoeft 11:55 am: It doesn't look good for Jeff Frederick right now, all indications look like he's not going to remain. It looks like 63 votes right now against Frederick.

Shaun Kenney 11:56 am: Jeff Frederick won't run again for HoD, Amy Frederick will and she's "not a bad candidate." "If she does run, I will certainly support her."

Shaun Kenney 11:57 am: The RPV website is an embarrassment.

There's some thought that this could be a verrry long meeting. Larry Sabato's Hairpiece writes, "Is the Frederick strategy to hope the meeting goes long enough that some of the fossils on the SCC die before a vote?" Hahahahahaha. :)

Jim Hoeft 1:19 pm: It looks like the votes are there to remove Jeff Frederick from office, but we won't know for sure for a couple of hours.

2:53: Bearing Drift writes:
...they are wrapping up debate and we should have a vote in about an hour...There are 76 votes here at State Central. 57 votes are required to remove Chairman Frederick from office.

The day has consisted of two procedural votes which would have aided Chairman Frederick - each broke with about 63 votes against.

Each side - those desiring removal and Chairman Frederick’s defense - both took about an hour to present their arguments. Right now, State Central Committee members are being offered the opportunity to speak before a roll call vote will take place.