
Friday, April 24, 2009

Latest Twitter, YouTube Stats for Virginia Candidates

First, here are the Twitter stats for Virginia statewide candidates, with Bob McDonnell clearly in the lead and Terry McAuliffe second. What I find hard to understand is candidates who have followers but aren't following anyone themselves. Do they not understand the concept of Twitter? What's the deal?

Bob McDonnell: 1,742 followers (following 1,727)
Terry McAuliffe: 845 followers (following 629)
Brian Moran: 599 followers (following 940)
Creigh Deeds: 508 followers (following 508)

Lieutenant Governor
Mike Signer: 298 followers (following 286)
Jody Wagner: 270 followers (following 77)
Jon Bowerbank: 145 followers (following 0)
Bill Bolling: 123 followers (following 7)
Patrick Muldoon: 26 followers (following 0)

UPDATE: Within hours of posting this, Jon Bowerbank began following 108 people on Twitter. Apparently, someone at his campaign is reading this blog! :)

Attorney General
Dave Foster: 1,406 followers (following 1,994)
Steve Shannon: 38 followers (following 0)
John Brownlee: n/a
Ken Cuccinelli: n/a

Next, here are the YouTube stats, with Terry McAuliffe clearly leading (in subscribers, and by a landslide in the most popular video) and everyone else trailing behind. In terms of the number of videos, Brian Moran and Mike Signer have the most, but not many people seem to be watching them. In general, the use of YouTube by Virginia statewide candidates this year doesn't exactly seem to be burning up the internet.

Terry McAuliffe: 216 subscribers, 21 videos, most popular video has 399,540 views
Bob McDonnell: 65 subscribers, 11 videos, most popular video has 3,082 views
Brian Moran: 34 subscribers, 38 videos, most popular video has 1,477 views
Creigh Deeds: 21 subscribers, 13 videos, most popular video has 2,340 views

Lieutenant Governor
Mike Signer: 18 subscribers, 35 videos, most popular video has 1,556 views
Jon Bowerbank: 3 subscribers, 10 videos, most popular video has 269 views
Jody Wagner: 3 subscribers, 2 videos, most popular video has 215 views
Bill Bolling: n/a
Patrick Muldoon: n/a

Attorney General
John Brownlee: 12 subscribers, 12 videos, most popular video has 640 views
Steve Shannon: 0 subscribers, 0 videos
Ken Cuccinelli: n/a
Dave Foster: n/a