
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kos on the Pittsburgh Cops Killer

The quote of the day goes to Markos Moulitsas, commenting on the right-wing lunatic in Pittsburgh.
When we were out of power, we organized to win the next election. Conservatives, apparently, prefer to talk "revolution" and kill cops.
Also, see Crooks and Liars' David Neiwart, who asks, "Was Pittsburgh shooter driven by right-wing gun paranoia about Obama?" (short answer: yes, in part)

P.S. My deepest condolences go out to the families, friends and colleagues of the heroic police officers who were murdered and wounded by the heavily-armed right-wing lunatic in Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, if we're going to let the police be outgunned like they were in Pittsburgh, this is going to happen again...and again...and again...

UPDATE: Another relevant quote comes from blogger Dante Atkins on Twitter: "Obama's gonna take my guns, so I'm gonna use my guns to kill police so they can't take 'em away! That'll show 'em! So senseless."