
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jeff Schapiro on Mark Warner and Jim Webb

In today's Richmond Times Dispatch, Jeff Schapiro has an interesting take on the "different approaches" of Senators Mark Warner and Jim Webb. According to Schapiro, "Mark Warner hides out on card-check" while "Jim Webb plunges into prison reform." Another difference: "Nothing pains Warner more than rejection" while "Webb is not about fitting in." Warner says he is a "radical centrist" (on his campaign kickoff "flyaround," I asked him what that was, exactly; I didn't get an answer then and I still don't know now) while Webb is "a polymath with an appetite for experiences and ideas."

On and on it goes. Warner is cool, Webb is hot. Warner is cautious with one main rule ("hedge your bets"), while Webb is "a Marine hero" who is "always rolling the dice." Warner is looking both to reelection in 2014 and to a possible run for President in 2016, while Webb is more focused on tackling controversial but crucial issues like prison reform.

Obviously, each style has advantages and disadvantages. And so far, whatever they're doing seems to be working for each of them. What I wonder is whether, over time, Mark Warner will start becoming more like Webb while Webb becomes more like Warner. Or, will each man just keep on being himself - U.S. Senator Yin and U.S. Senator Yang? :) Stay tuned...